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Ontario, Canada
Shut up. You're wrong.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

We're All Screwed...

Time to rage.

So I'm assuming anyone who reads this has a window in their house. I also assume that they occasionally look out this window as well. Hopefully I'm not overestimating anyone here. If you have peered out this window, you probably notice that our world is dying.

Yes... dying. By the way, I refuse to make this a goddamn hippy post where I bitch out polluters... because frankly I don't care about it that much.

Anyways, the world: dying. How and why you ask? Well before we get to that part, let me explain in detail what I mean by use of a simple time line.

- Some painter in Germany had an idea.
- World War Two.
- War is over.
- Babies... lots of babies.
- Some people in Asia start doing shit.
- Vietnam.
- George Carlin continues his badassary.
- Some shit happens.
- MTV stops showing music videos.
- Bush Jr.
- Re-elected.
- Carrie Prejean.
- Jonas Brothers and Miley Cyrus begin the rape of young minds.
- Obama elected because he's "going to change things."
- Tiger Woods' found cheating on wife.
- lol.
- ???

As you've probably noticed by now, I'm somewhat of an optimist... anyways though, whenever I go outside, I know I'm going to see any or all of these things: dumb kids who think they're badass because they wear baggy pants, stupid girls who have over-tanned and look like a foot, and stupid people who text on the phone for ten minutes just to realize they can't remember how to spell 'cellphone.'

That's right, it looks like everyone is becoming more, and more idiotic. Google searches help the dumb, spell 'dumb,' and Paris Hilton is still allowed to be on television. It doesn't help that guidos are by law, allowed to fucking breed.

Honestly, I don't even have the heart to keep typing. so this rage will have to end mid sente...

Thursday, December 3, 2009

In Flames

Only one word can describe this band: fucking awesome.

... erm, yeah.

Anyways, I had never heard of them until a year or so ago when their song "Free Fall," was featured on one of the Madden games, if I recall correctly. After hearing that one song I thought they were worth a look but I didn't have highspeed internet at the time. A few months later I happened to hear "Cloud Connected," which made me think that they were even MORE badass. It wasn't until a month ago or so when I decided to look again. Now I started off listening to their "Reroute to Remain" album, which in my opinion is their best.

Their music is like the only shit that is pure amazing, and that's new to me at the moment as far as the metal genre goes. And since their last album was in 2008 along with Protest the Hero, Metallica, All That Remains, and Slipknot's last records... needless to say there has been a lot of crappy stuff out.

I'm not sure exactly what it is, but for whatever reason, In Flames does not seem like that common of a name around where I am. Now maybe it's because I live in a crappy little town where have the chicks think they're from L.A because they have fake tans, or the guys think they're badass because they put their dads old ACDC cd's on repeat all the time, but I've only come across three or four others who have actually listened to them.

Hopefully these Swedes don't go anywhere for awhile because they're quickly becoming one of my favourite new bands for sure. As I type this I'm listening to some songs from their "Clayman" cd, and I must say, it's pretty badass too.

As of now I'd give their cd's these scores:

Reroute to Remain - 4.9 stars
Clayman - 4.5 stars
A Sense of Purpose - 4 stars

Favourite songs:

Cloud Connected
Free Fall
Dark Signs
Satellites and Astronauts
Square Nothing

I have definitely got some more listening to do, "Come Clarity" comes to mind, but I'm pretty sure this stuff will not disappoint.