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Ontario, Canada
Shut up. You're wrong.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Combat Arms

Since I'm bored, and it's a refreshingly cold for a day in late August, I've decided to blog once again... even though I'm well aware that this will only ever see my eyes most likely.

If you're too "cool," to read something about video games... shut the fuck up, and keep reading anyways.

Combat Arms, is a pretty popular, and relatively new first person shooter (FPS,) from Nexon Inc. It's supposed to be centred around teamwork, although there are people like me who like to destroy that, by going on massive killing sprees occasionally.

There are several different types of game modes that all include killing someone. Obvious right? Right. The most popular mode is Elimination. In this mode, there are two opposing teams, which range from one, to eight players per side. The goal is to be the team to reach the predetermined amount of kills. The mode is great, because it shows where the skilled players really are. Usually a very good player on a bad team, can still lay down some punishment while doing it seemingly by themselves.

Like other FPS', Combat Arms has a wide variety of weapon classes to choose from.

Assault Rifles (AK47, M16, etc.)

Submachine Guns (P90, MP5, etc.)

Sniper Rifles (SR25, M24, etc.)

Shotguns (Saiga 20K, Double Barrel Shotgun, etc.)

Pistols (Desert Eagle, Anaconda, etc.)

Machine Guns (MINIMI, K3, etc.)

Melee weapons (Standard Combat Knife, Sickle, etc.)

Explosives (Mines, M67 Grenade, etc.)

To add to the vast variety of thing that Combat Arms has to offer, are the people. There are many types of people who populate the game. Here they are, with descriptions beside them.

Average Player (There for a good time, maybe cracks a joke or two.)

Hackusation Specialists ("Omg, aimbot, chammer, HACKER!!!") Their average scores are usually around, two kills and fifteen deaths.

Actual Hackers ("lol, lol, lol, I'm awesome.) Then they get a headshot with a knife... from across the map...

Racist twelve year olds from somewhere in the Southern United States...

Good players (Lie low, and own everyone. Often accused of hacking.)

Mexicans (... "que?")

Essentially, it's a very solid game. It's free and is constantly evolving. It also has an integrated clan system, so you can play with friends, against others for a more serious type of competition. You can always check your stats, and look for news at:


So if you like games similar to Crossfire or Call of Duty, and are looking for something a little different, try this game out.

Friday, August 28, 2009


Wow isn't that title just annoying and stupid?

Wait, I'll answer. Of course it's stupid. It's the stupid art of trying to be ironically bad at spelling...

It's also stupid because the people who would write that title (and take it seriously of course,) are stupid. These are the people who drop our IQ's and will eventually make us want to kill ourselves.

Great you're still reading. K THNX!

Anyways... if you haven't figured it out yet, let me introduce you to emo's. Yes... emo's. Now as you might know, I'm not one to EVER make fun of anyone, or call someone stupid... nah but seriously, the majority of people who consider themselves to be an "emo," or as being "scene," are usually from the cosey world of suburbia and most likely watch too many MTV specials.

Don't you just feel really bad for that guy in the picture? Yeah you do... because you're a pussy. Just look at. Take away the skinny jeans and the pair of VANS, and you've essentially got yourself a Daniel Radcliff prototype. See it's simple bullshit like that, which makes people think that they're something that they are just not. Just because you dress like you're sad and depressed, doesn't mean that you are. That's something you need to FEEL.

Oh but wait a minute. Aren't emos known to be sensitive and write deep poetry?

Well yeah, if you consider poetry to be shit about how mommy wouldn't buy you a pony when you were six and how that act of "abandonment," has caused you to feel unloved. If this is considered to be real life drama, then I have a sad story about how I nearly failed art in the seventh grade because I thought the class was stupid and pointless. That tear jerker, will be saved for another day though.

Furthermore, you can't consider yourself to be emo just because you listen to My Funeral for a Friend or Thursday, doesn't mean that you're emo. It simply means that you're somewhat tone deaf.

Now on the otherhand, "These Children Who Have it so Rough," do have a few things that are simply, pretty awesome. They have the awesome quality of having NO SHAME WHATSOEVER.

Think about it...

They cry for no apparent reason.
They dress all alike, in an attempt to be nonconformists.
The guys wear eyeliner.
Some of the girls look like guys... on purpose.
They write things LKE THY FAIL3D THRD GRAD... again, on purpose.

They sound like attention whores, don't they? Again, I'll answer because you're too slow. Yes, yes they sound like attention whores.

The second thing that they have... are hot emo girls.

Yeah, I know right. I would too.

Seriously though, maybe it's like a side affect from too many My Chemical Romance concerts, but a lot of emo/scene chicks are hot. What's great about this, is that their emo guy friends are usually too involved in themselves to notice. If you've got any common sense at all, you'll realize that this is great for the rest of us who haven't spent too much time in front of our microwaves.

Now before I end this I just want to clear the air about my rant. I understand if you are sad and depressed because life has been a bitch to you so far. Whether this means your dad drinks too much, or your friends are never there for you or how the doctor fucked up your circumcision, dress in black and cutting yourselves won't make it go away. You just look like a tool.

Shut the fuck up and get a job if you feel worthless.

Feel better? If not, look at that second picture for about four seconds. Boobs make everything better.


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

George Carlin is God

Whether you agreed with him or not, whether you loved him or you hated him, you can't help but to respect him. George Carlin was one of the most influential people of all time. Now in case you aren't aware of who he was, Carlin was a highly regarded (well unless you're very religious,) comedian and overall badass.

In my personal opinion, he was a genius. He did not simply accept things as they were. If there was something that was ridiculous, he wouldn't just sit back and accept it, he would call someone a fucker, and point out how we should learn to think for ourselves. What a foreign concept, right? Thinking for ourselves... might be useful someday.

Along with that, Carlin was always pointing out the hypocrisy in people, governments and religion. Of course that type of opinion was trying to be silenced by those people. Those people, who preach tolerance but can't tolerate clashing ideals.

This really isn't meant to be some kind of a biography, it is simply written to remind myself and others (yes I know that no one reads this,) that there are still people who hate stupid bullshit. Someone who hates all the hypocrisy that surrounds us. Now obviously George Carlin isn't around anymore, but his opinions and words are still around to make people think, if even for a brief second.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

What. The. Fuck.

Guess what?

I'm pissed.

Why is it that stupid bands who only play songs for stupid teenage girls, try to make a song ripping on bands and singers who only play songs for stupid teenage girls?

If you followed that, good for you, you've made me proud. Movin' on.

Basically who I'm pointing my dick of justice at, is the band Hedley, who are out with their newest crap, "Cha-Ching." I know, even the title screams of douchebaggerdum.

Now what really gets my goat (oh my God, I miss the twenties,) are some of the ironic lyrics like,

"Line up all the Idols
Who paint on phony smiles
Tryin to ride the fast track for free..."

Didn't the lead singer get his fame from Canadian Idol? Hmmm, this is the desperate scream of a hypocrite analbead in my opinion.

Oh and what's even worse, is that this band managed to sell out. That's right, a band of sell outs, managed to sell out. That just amazes me. The reason I say this, is because it's a completely different sound from the other shit that they have. It sounds like it should be a Hannah Montana bonus track. I want her to go to hell in case you didn't know.

Hypocrisy: One song at a time.

If there is any hope, Rage Against the Machine will re-unite.