Seriously though, there are everyday people who have a lot bigger problems than those that are on our front pages, and five o'clock specials everyday. People who are having there homes foreclosed or are forced into things everyday are simply an afterthought. That is, if they're even thought of, of course.
What I mean in today's rant, is that I could really give less of a shit if Donald Trump has built another mansion. It's not relevant to any of us if you think about it. What's even worse is when people actually go out of their way to make a fuss out of something that doesn't affect them. The most famous instance of this that I can think of, is when amateur pornstar (let's just be honest, it's like the most productive thing that's she's ever done,) Paris Hilton

They had a good point for wanting her released. What she did wasn't all that bad. Wait... what did she get sent in for?
Oh right, because she was driving recklessly while being drunk. I guess you'd be dropping your pathetic little posters if she was doing 90 in a school zone at the time... hypocrite fuckers.
As usual, I'm right about all of what I've mentioned. If it was you or your friend who had done that, get ready to spend the next year or two in a cosey jail cell with "Big Mike." Oh and I hope you're not in need of a new heart anytime in the near future. If your name doesn't rhyme with Pilton, or Gohan (lol... Dragon Dragonball...) expect to get those affairs in order.
Most of us are like ants. We all work for some fat bitch that decided she was our Queen. Eventually you are going to get stepped when you venture outside.
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