So as I walked through our school cafeteria today, I notice this kid. He was sitting alone eating a sandwich. All seemed well until the little bastard looks me dead in the eyes and... well the little cuntsack just fucking unloads the grossest, most Hitleresque sneeze that I've ever seen. Honest to Buddha, a piece of chicken shot past my head... needless to say, I plan to press charges on the grounds that he is a douchebag.
Now the second asshole I've encountered was just plain dumb. Sitting at one of our lovely econo-save excuses for a lunchtable, this dumb bitch (I mean this in the nicest way possible) just sort of creates her own conversation about me... while being about two and a half feet across from me. Apparently I am dumb, debf and blind so that I can't possibly know when a scrote-faced prick decides to talk shit (again, nicest meaning of those words,) about me. I was sort of surprised that there was any sort of conversation to be had about me, due to the fact that I'm about as gossip-worthy as an orange.
Now I really could care less about this awkward encounter, but I'd like to share this as advice to stupid people everywhere who think that they're on a higher pedastal than the rest of us commonfolk, that their opinion really "matters:"
Your opinion really just doesn't matter.
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