Why do people do things that are so FUCKING STUPID?
For instance, why do pornstars have Twitter accounts? No one cares what you have to say. Now bang me. Thanks.
Why don't we just assassinate Kim Jong Il? I mean, he's fucking crazy, and everyone hates him. His pansy-ass staff wouldn't do shit afterwards, anyways.
Some dumb bitch in my Marketing class today had an answer to a question. The answer was $48,800 (Forty-eight thousand, eight-hundred.) She literally read it as "four, eight, eight, zero, zero." When the teacher was like "lolwut," she replied that she "wasn't very good at reading out numbers [Sic]."
I consistently have an 80+ average in University level courses (not amazing but well above most of my peers,)... and that is an example of one of my classmates. Man the fucking harpoons.
Now, here's more bullshit that pisses me right the fuck off:
Women flock to the dude that played Edward Cullen... need I say more.
People don't appreciate the show "Whose Line is it Anyway?" like they should. People are fucking stupid.
Fleshlights are too damn expensive in my humble opinion.
People rip on Tiger Woods because he banged Holly Sampson and Joslyn James. Those are too hot and slutty pornstars. I for one, congratulate the man. Needless to say, I'd happily put my penis in both of their vaginas. I guess I'm just a hopeless romantic...
The Ottawa Senators continue to keep Matt Carkner on defence as the playoffs near... good luck morons.