Hello again, wenches. Now recently I've been pretty bored, and I tried to get back into one of my favourite games of all time: Pokemon Crystal.
Now, if you know anything about Pokemon, you know two things:
- Anything after generation 2, has AIDS
- Mr. Mime is a rapist
Now there are many Pokemon that people think are the best. These often include:
- Mewtwo, Gyarados, Machamp, Ho-Oh, Zapdos, Gengar, Charizard, Blastoise, Nidoking, etc.
Now, these guys are all epic. Hell, Mewtwo and I would would probably chill if he wasn't so awesome and badass. However, there is one Pokemon that I consider to be a King and his name is, Alakazam.
According to Bulbapedia,
"Alakazam is characterized by its human-like structure and its fox-like appearance."
Hmmm, "...human-like structure and its fox-like appearance." Who does that sound like? Oh that's right, MEGAN FOX. Holy mother of FUCK.
Now if that's not enough to make you make sweet monkey love to a USB slot in your computer, this will.
"It is said that Alakazam is known to have mastered every type and form of psychic ability, including, but not limited to, telekinesis, telepathy, ESP, psionic abilities, levitation, defensive techniques, mind control, and telekinetic blasts. Alakazam are said to have excellent memory and can remember everything that it has experienced upon hatching as an Abra, and has an IQ that exceeds 5,000, making it the most intelligent non-legendary Pokémon. Alakazam, and its pre-evolution, Kadabra, are the only known Pokémon that learn Kinesis... Each Alakazam carries two spoons everywhere it goes. These spoons are said to increase this Pokémon's psychic ability greatly."
To summarize, Alakazam is a KING. He's smarter than Ken Jennings and Stephen Hawking put in a blender, and he has mind control!
OH, and also,
He carries two fucking spoons!!! How clutch is that? You and your lady are about to eat some ice cream. She's lookin' fine. BUT OH NO! Your dumb ass didn't bring her a spoon! But wait... trusty Alakazam has one she can use, plus one for himself, because his psychic ass knew you'd fuck up! What a guy. You best be watching your back, because if I was your lady, I'd be letting him... I'll stop.
Seriously though. He's awesome as hell. He gets virtually no recognition, and is underrated. Does he complain? No. He's awesome. Fuck that actually. Alakazam AND Mewtwo are the true Kings. They've both got a manly shade of purple too by the way. Holy shit, my mind is blown.