Now if you've ever read any of my posts before, you undoubtedly know that I'm not popular in the slightest. I'm someone who can't help but to notice the bullshit we blissfully try to ignore and at times can annoy people with my theories on society.
One thing that bugs me is the thought of social hierarchy. Generally portrayed in American media, movies and television shows is the thought of "the perfect family." This image has differed greatly over the decades though. In the 1950's well through to the late sixties was the picture perfect house with a white picket fence and a family safely secured within their abode. Of course the people who lived inside were generally nice people. There was a mother, a father, a daughter and a son. Oh did I mention that they hate a cute little puppy? Yes this is our typical family. The mom was the caregiver, the housewife and the nurturer. The dad, he was the provider, he was the little league football coach, he was the man who bought you you're first car. Now the daughter, she was the one who was daddies little girl, she was the cheerleader, she looked up to her dad and admired her mom. Lastly there was the son. Not particularly bright, but he was a good kid. He was the guy who won the state championship with that 35 yard pass in the end zone.
Now I personally can't relate to the American school life, but since many of us here in Canada are affected or at least think they're affected by the American life. It's (Canadian school life,) still rich with the social hierarchy. See at my school he have no football team, and we have no cheerleaders. The students on our hockey team, on our basketball team and so on are slightly noticed, slightly more popular but are not put on a pedestal by the majority. It's the kids who think that they're on a pedestal that are the popular ones. These are the kids that hang out with older people and think that by association they themselves are somehow better for the experience. Regardless there are still people who realize that that they're essentially worthless. I don't admire, but I don't hate them either. My only thing to really say for them is that they're attention whores in denial. Bottom feeders like the rest of us who intentionally drowned and floated to the top just to be noticed by us, they're underlings. I'm not popular, I'm not particularly outgoing. I'm literally just there. Sitting and waiting just so I can bitch about the fact that I'll have to board the bus and do it all over again in about sixteen hours. I don't fit into any category really. I'm really not into the arts, I'm definitely not into plays, I've never tried out for a sports team, I've never tried to please the masses by running for student government and I sure haven't tried to be academically superior.
Our problem is that we are all bred for one of two purposes.
- Half of us are meant to please those who have what we want. These are the children that will run our schools with their looks or their sporting achievements. They might be nice people. They could be open minded and thoughtful. Unfortunately the select few are overshadowed by the stereotype that their peers have presented for the rest of us who wonder where we stand in this race. These people are taught to strive for attention. These are the ones who are admired yet hated. Think about the picture at the top.
- Then there is the second group. These are the kids who are taught to use their minds. To study and to look for different things in the game we call life. They look for relevancy and are not particularly interested in most conforming activities. These are the brains behind the scenes. These same kids who were persecuted for their ideals will soon be the providers. They'll eventually marry the cheerleader who made fun of them in school. These are the same people who will one day make their bosses look like pure geniuses.
I guarantee that if you try to achieve the latter, you will inevitably fail but you can certainly cause a disturbance. Rosa Parks, Dr. King, Abraham Lincoln... these were people who shook society. Did they succeed and eradicate all of our problems? No, but they MADE us think. They MADE us progress as people and they helped us to relate and possibly understand the simplicity of what we really are.